My name is Grace, I am a 25 year old Women’s Specialist based in SoCal. I graduated from Chapman University with a degree in health sciences and a minor in psychology. I have worked tirelessly to tame my anxiety disorder by prioritizing my mental and physical health through fitness, nutrition & mindfulness. Now I am an online coach teaching other women how to do the same. Together, we’ll break the cycle of burnout and frustration by creating a plan that works for your life. I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach; your journey is unique, and your coaching should be too.
“Stop waiting for the perfect time to invest in health coaching... now is the perfect time! The sooner you start, the sooner you will have results, and the sooner you’ll be on your way to a healthier life in the long run. This isn’t about getting the perfect body in a certain amount of days... this is about the bigger picture of internal health, longevity, and a sound mindset (which of course leads to physical changes) ”